
Tuesday 2 April 2013

penny's quilt

penny's quiltpenny's quiltpenny's quilt
penny's quilt penny's quiltpenny's quiltpenny's quiltpenny's quilt

Aaaah, thank you Easter, I needed that break. How lovely to have four whole days of sleeping in, planting seeds, playing with screen making, wrapping presents, baking sweets, sharing easter eggs, watching a daytime movie, playing tennis, having tea, slow cooking. Credit to Autumn too for pitching in with the weather, I'm loving these cool nights and warm days, the beautiful autumn light slanting across the garden and making inside cosy without having to shut the doors and windows in the evenings.

Today it is my darling boys' birthday (two for one!) and they are turning 12! OMG! Its slightly bittersweet, as all their birthdays are. If I could put bricks on their heads now and keep them as my babies forever, well... I would be very tempted!

They opened one present each this morning but have to wait all day for the rest. Then we have a sleepover tent party on Friday for seven boys. Phew, they will be bouncy! We are going to take them out for pizza and then come home for homemade icecream sundaes.

On the crafty front, I sneaked a little project in last month, which I want to share before I forget. Its another little baby quilt/playmat, using my baby quilt tutorial with larger squares. Its for little baby Penny who was born last month.

One of my favourite features is the checkerboard backing which I pieced together because I didn't have a large enough piece to back the whole quilt. It gives the back some interest. Like Poppy's quilt I used the self binding method and sewed it by machine, so quick and easy. Best of all not only did all fabrics and batting come from the stash, but there are a few of my flowerpress designs in there too. Makes it feel even more personal.

Miss Penny is the little sister to two big brothers, so I enjoyed making it a little girly colourwise, though not too pink. If you haven't tried a quilt before, check out the tutorial. I actually referred to it myself this time, to remind me of the steps :-)


  1. It looks fabulous Susie! What a wonderful gift. Happy happy birthday to your boys. Hope they're having a great day :) Kx

  2. Very pretty in a fresh floral way - which is really the best type of pattern to quilt with in my opinion :) Happy birthday to your boys too Susie!

  3. Gorgeous quilt! The fabrics are all beautiful. For my next quilt I'm really keen to try that binding method.

  4. It is lovely! Happy birthday to your boys. My boy is 13... it happens so quicky. xx

  5. Happy Birthday Boys! Hope the party was a success.
    Love the quilt & yes not too pink is a good thing.


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