
Thursday 13 June 2013

replacing Google Reader

google reader



the old reader

g2 reader


I have been dragging my feet when it comes to choosing an alternative to the soon to disappear Google Reader. In fact every time I see one of those pop up messages warning of Google Reader's approaching demise I start to panic. Google Reader has been part of my routine since I swapped across from Bloglines years ago. I use it most days and can't imagine using anything else.

Anyway over the last couple of months I have been seriously looking for a new Blog Reader, trying out the alternatives and seeing how they feel. Here's a rundown in case you're looking too. I think I've chosen one, though when I went back to take screen shots I saw that most of the readers have improved their useability and added new features, so I'm a bit torn now!

The good news is that there are lots of wonderful alternatives being developed. The end of Google Reader is no longer something to fear and there are some great choices to be had. 

Here are the alternatives I've tried:

One of the first I tried bloglovin' is a nicely graphic reader but I'm not sure I like the difference between this and google reader, in that it sends you across to each blog in turn. I have lots of blogs in my reader and I like to see them listed in one place so I can see which ones are updated and if I'm in a hurry just read a chosen few. I do like seeing each blog on its page where its meant to be viewed though, hmmm. If you are a bloglovin convert you can subscribe to flowerpress here.

Feedly has the best graphic interface in my opinion. I found it a little more confusing to use, but to be fair I haven't spent much time exploring. I'm a bit stuck in my ways though and while I understand its very customisable I just want a new reader that's easy to use and comes in the form I'm used to.

the old reader
Looking for a simpler more familiar replacement led me to this no frills google reader clone. It took quite a few days to upload my subscriptions and  I haven't used it much but it seems like a very basic and familiar way of reading blogs. I don't like how the text runs the full page though and centred pics default to range left, and I'm not keen on the green, but it seems serviceable.

Another reader that's similar to google reader is g2reader. It is prettier, more graphic and has more features than google reader or the old reader. I really liked this reader and it is one of two at the top of my list of alternatives. I like its looks and the way it displays the feed and centres pics. One drawback is that the line lengths are too long like the old reader, but this application is still in Beta so I'm going to keep an eye on where they go with it.

This is my current favourite. I love the functionality of this one, you can add other widgets to your feed like weather, google analytics and facebook. I've only recently discovered it so haven't had much time to play around with it but I found it quick to get used to and it has lots of features and ways of customising the views. Sadly the pics don't centre and the line length is longer than google reader but its a bit shorter than the old reader and g2.

Edited to add: Hmm, playing around with Bloglines and there are some glitches appearing. It wants to log me out every time I try to navigate around. And also my blogs are listed in two alphabetical lists, with no way of working out how to combine them in one. They don't seem to have any backup to help fix this, so while I'll keep watching, maybe G2 is a better alternative.

Its a relief to find such functional reader replacements. I'd be really interested in everyone's feedback and I'd love to know which one you're changing to or have already switched.

I probably won't truly change until the last minute, July 1st, but at least now I feel happy about where I'm going!


  1. Initially I was lovin' Bloglovin'. Now, fickle me, I'm not loving it so much because you can't read the full post in the reader (at least I don't think you can) and it distorts many of the photos.

    I am using Feedly now and really like the way it displays. I just go straight to the "Index" and can see my full list of subscriptions, which have been updated and which haven't......

    Marina :)

  2. Thank you - I seem to have the same opinions about Bloglovin etc as you do, so that you for pointing out more options! I think I'll give g2 and feedly a try now too.

  3. Initialy I tried Feedly but couldn't get to grips with it, so I'm with Bloglovin' now. The photos look good to me and I like how I can either read a few lines of the blog post or click and read the full blog posts. I've put the blogs I read into different groups and it is easy to see when there are new posts to read.

  4. I have been using Feedly for a few months now, and the only thing I really miss is the list of all my blogs (and the number of unread posts) on the left like Google reader. I wish someone would put that in as standard on the template so that it stayed there while you're reading. One thing I love is that I can read blogs on my android phone now, which is super handy when you have a baby and can't always log onto your computer. Thanks for this post though - I'm going to check out g2 and Bloglines now!

  5. I started using feedly and yes in the beginning it was difficult well sort of, just different would be a better way to way how it was. Best of luck making that choice. I am now very happy with feedly now and will get rid of the others.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Until recently, if I wanted to follow a blog I would subscribe via e-mail if they offered that option or I would bookmark them if they didn't.

    Now that I've discovered Bloglovin, I've taken all my bookmarked blogs and added them there. I really like Bloglovin's ease of use and how my list is displayed and how I can divide blogs up into different categories.

    And from a blog owner point of view... I much prefer Bloglovin for the exact reason you pointed out. The reader must click through to read a post. Having that click through means that readers actually visit my blog.

    For instance on your blog I see that you have an etsy shop listed in your side bar. If I had read this post only in a reader, I wouldn't have known that so that I could check it out.

  8. Thanks for letting me know about more options. I have been using bloglovin", but I really hate it, cant figure my around it easily. I like to read the whole blog post, not click through every single friggen time. Plus, it some how does not know if I have read a blog post half the time, and I end up with all these posts I have read, and being told they are unread. Doing my freaking head in it is, so I am not reading blogs at all!

    I'll check out the others you have suggested, and happily ditch bloglovin!

  9. I tried Bloglovin but I didn't like the way it forced me to read newer posts first so I've settled on Feedly which I find easier to use on my iPad than on my computer! I will have to play with the settings on the latter, I think. I used Bloglines before I discovered Google Reader but I think I'll stick with Feedly for now!

  10. Thanks for the tips susie!
    I have no idea which I'll go with - Feedly ad G2 are looking interesting.


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