
Wednesday 26 June 2013

slow as a wet week

wet weekwet weekwet weekwet weekwet weekwet week

Its been raining for a week now which meant a long slow weekend tucked up indoors doing nothing much. I enjoyed that, very indulgent. Its been cold too, but its about time for that really, we've had an unseasonally warm autumn and start to winter.

I am on the sixth week of my 5:2 fast, only one day of fasting to go. It will be the last for a while, I've been struggling with it the last few times and it will be nice to have a break. Actually I've found the thing I miss most is unlimited cups of tea! While we've only lost a few kilos each, it has been noticeable around our middles which is great, we're happy about that. We look a little slimmer and feel a lot healthier. The big gain is the way it's made us think about what we eat, we now unconsciously choose the healthier alternatives even on non fast days. Our portion sizes are down, we don't snack as much in between meals and we are eating less meat. Win, win, win.

I wanted to share this recipe for prawn curry with you that I discovered while on the fast. Its quick and easy and tastes delicious, not like diet food at all, indeed I had to doublecheck the calories myself to be sure I wasn't going over. It will definitely go into rotation around here. Delicious! I'm getting more confident lately about cooking curries from scratch, do any of you have any curries that you make regularly, I'd love some new recipes.

Last Wednesday saw a break in the clouds and I attended my last primary school Athletics Carnival! I feel a bit sad at each school event knowing it will be my last at the school we've been at for 11 years. The end of an era! It was most noticeable at the Expo day when Master D spoke about his years at the school, while welcoming the new kindergarten kids for next year!

Oh, and you remember I was dithering about my new Blog Reader choice post Google Reader. Well I'm happy to say I've made the switch... to FEEDLY! Thanks for everyone who put in a vote for this reader, its great. My one big quibble was with the way they didn't display the blog list to the side, but this seems to be fixed, so I'm happy.

I would love it if you wanted to join me on Feedly, or Bloglovin' or whichever new reader you've chosen. I've put buttons up there on the right to make it easier to follow. I'm a bit worried that many readers will be lost to blogs when Google Reader turns off next week. For me none of the other social media give me the depth of communication I'm after so I'll still be reading blogs. What about you? Have you made the switch?

p.s. the cooking photo is a chicken thyme cacciatore thingamebob, I love winter casseroles don't you! And in front is a tray of Kate's fruit leather recipe made by master J and eaten in less than a day! The last photo shows my new printed cards from origrami.

1 comment :

  1. Oh those leaves in your first photo are so gorgeous! (Manchurian pear?)

    Sounds like you've done an amazing job on the 5:2 diet... just one attempt at a 'fast' day was enough to put me off! I was wondering though, as I only saw the documentary but haven't read the book, do your calories on the fast day have to be eaten all at the one meal or is it okay to eat them in 2 meals?


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