
Monday 20 January 2014

holidays * part one


I'm back and ready for the New Year!
I thought I'd share some of the hghlights from the last few weeks of holidays, it was lots of fun and so great to see both our families and spend time with them, a luxury we rarely get during the year as most of them live so far away.

The first leg was visiting my family up north for a fortnight. As usual we had lots of laughs, lots of great food, lunchtime beers, a great christmas and fun night out for new year.

I loved the early morning walks and swims on the beach and if you saw a raggle taggle bunch doing Salute to the Sun on the sand one morning with two dogs joining in, that was us. It wasn't pretty!

How are you all? So nice to keep up with some of you over the holidays on Instagram and share the cold drinks and hot sand. I really hope its cooler now poor Perth, Melbourne and Adelaidites. That hot weather looked pretty miserable.

Part two of the holidays tomorrow and then I've got a couple of simple tutorials I've photographed since I got back. See you then!

photos from above
* early morning walk and swim at Byron Bay dog beach...
* followed by coffee and very crispy bacon and egg muffins from Fish Heads
* my traditional xmas day pavlova (based on donna hay's recipe) - gone in sixty seconds
* the kids snowflake patterns saved from last year
* a love of flowers and art, inherited from mum and dad
* The Hombres at Bangalow pub for New Year's Eve, so good!
* big skies and time to watch them, heaven
* christmas doberman takes a nap
* not a moment to lose, a motto to live by

1 comment :

  1. So nice to be able to spend quality time with family, especially when they're so far away..and what a gorgeous location x


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