
Friday 6 June 2014

soup weather

soup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weathersoup weather

The autumn winter weather has finally arrived in Sydney.

I'm taking credit! We went west on the weekend to our nephew Fin's 18th birthday party and brought the chilly temps back with us over the mountains on Sunday.

Our flying visit to the country was a breath of fresh air literally. Its always such a treat to have the whole family in one place. We got to catch up with the new babies in the family, the teenagers, the young adults and the oldies. Mr Flowerpress is the youngest of four kids which means lots of family in all shapes and sizes.

We made a quick trip out to his sister's bush block where she is building and decided to come back soon, hopefully in the next holidays, to help build a crushed granite floor in her straw bale house.

On Sunday we fitted in a visit to see our nephews' collaboration. They are milling sustainable timbers from a wide range of amazing trees, including bunya pine, casuarina, pin oak, English elm and poplar.

Autumn means soup weather and slow cooking and crusty bread and bakes (including Hugh Grant macaroni!). I have unconsciously changed what I'm cooking as the days get colder.

Off to the Etsy Craft Party tomorrow for a bloggy/craft catchup. Can't wait.

Oh and good news on the ceramics front, but more about that next week!

1 comment :

  1. I love this time of year. Roast Lamb tonight, soups, risotto etc


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