
Friday 4 July 2014


potsglazeMy creationMy creationglazedMy creationpotsMy creationMy creation

Hoorah! After a long wait I finally got a phone call the other day to say my glazed ceramic pieces had been fired. (I can't wait till I have my own kiln wired in so I don't have to wait so long for firings, but its also nice to know my pieces are in safe hands being fired by the nice people at Pottery Supplies.)

Its so exciting and nerve wracking driving out to see how they had fared!

These are the first pots I've made completely at home and fired twice to completion. 

There are a million options for decoration in ceramics which is one of the really inspiring things about it. I've been trying to experiment with different techniques and materials. I've been a bit like a kid in a candy shop.

I've posted some before and after shots for those who are interested. Previous blog posts tell more of the history and show photos of my ceramics journey so far if you're interested, like this one and this one and this one. Looking back I see some of these pieces were thrown back in March. Sigh. It feels like that long.

I'm still a newbie. Its only been about six months that I've been making with clay. These pieces were the first I made with my new/old wheel way back when. Hopefully I am slowly learning more and improving slowly.

Oh, and can I ask a favour, if you have time can you leave a comment and tell me which piece or pieces you like. I'm so interested to know which shapes/designs/colours you like. Including any I haven't shown here, I have a limited palette of underglazes but hope to keep expanding my collection.
I'd like to make more pots and maybe offer some for sale down the track, so it would be great to hear from you guys who have such great ideas.

Thanks :-)


  1. I love them all but my favourites are the 'blue bird' the 'spots' and the blue scrollwork, paisley/fern design. I would love a yarn bowl in the bird design perhaps with a piece of yarn in his beak! You are something awesome! x

  2. They are all beautiful but if pressed I would say I like the ones which are black and white on the outside like the spotty one and the one with the leaves that have a coloured glaze on the inside. You are very talented !

  3. So clever, they are beautiful! I love them all, but especially the three in the top picture.

  4. Me too, I love them all! But my favourite would be the first picture, the birdy and black leaves. Very talented.

  5. I love the blue and white ones, like the ferns. That last little bowl (last picture at the bottom)! I love love love it! Your linework is so lovely, and the single colour really brings it out.

  6. Woo hoo!!! They look AWESOME Susie! Well I think you know which one I am going to say that I love....SPOTS! :) I also love the black flowers in the first picture and the black with white flowers in the last picture! xxx

  7. These pots are all just lovely! What will you be doing after another 6 months? My favorites are all of them on the first picture, the bird, the black and white spot and the very last one with the tiny flowers.

  8. Susie, these are just beautiful! I love all the different glazes and designs. My favourites are the white one with black leaves, and the one that's turquoise inside with a black flower on the outside. But, really, they're all gorgeous. Can't wait to see your next batch!

  9. *sigh* i just typed a big comment and then lost it because I needed to sign in through wordpress…
    Basically it said I love them all but most especially the last one with the blue floral design on the outside - love the shape, love the pattern, love everything about it!! There we go - so much more succinct the second time :)


Thank you for dropping by and commenting :-)