
Tuesday 7 April 2009

salvias *

Thank you all the very delightful entries in my GIVEAWAY. I'm not drawing it till Friday night my time so please enter if you haven't yet. I'm loving reading about all your lovely mums.

We had our school fete garden stall last Sunday. The weather gods played nice and we had a fantastically successful day. And it was fun. I got to play plant nursery for a day.
When I potted them up I'd made about 150 little plants, grown from cuttings and I realised how many salvias I have, and how they make the autumn garden shine. That said, some of them flower all year round. They work hard for you!

I've started most of these from cuttings filched from other people's plants :-) Salvias are so easy to strike. In fact I'm going to do a tutorial soon which shows you the simple methods I use to propagate plants, because I've found that most people don't know them and its such a simple way to get the plants you want, free! I've had success with lots of different plants, lately even roses. It's great when you want a particular rose and can't find the name.

* Whoops, I nearly typed salivas!

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