
Tuesday 27 July 2010

in the mail

I think you will be starting by now to get an idea of why the parcel guy and I are such firm friends, and why he waves to me when he sees me down the street :-)
Here are two parcels I received yesterday, a selection of my booty from the Vintage Sheet Swap (yay, don't you love them!) and a little fabric scrap pack that I couldn't resist when I stumbled across it on Etsy. Dangerous place that!

I have grand plans of making a quilt with my red rick rack and I've been collecting red and white, and now pink and red fabrics to match.


  1. I just love fabrics and getting a new package in the mail is always so exciting (even when you bought it yourself and you know what's in it... it's still special!) I hope you get lots of pleasure making lovely things with your new fabrics.

  2. I am swooning. And feasting my eyes on those green and yellow florals.

  3. such great colourful fabrics. I love the vintage designs :)

  4. There are many of us who are so happy that you and the parcel guy are such good firends - because it shows your incredible support of fellow crafty, indie people!

  5. Oh how i love fabric! I'm helpless with needlework, but i love decorating!

  6. Oh my... I'm sorry but all I can feel right now is total and utter jealousy!! They are just divine. Have fun making... I think I'd just sit looking at them all day :) Kx


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