
Monday 26 July 2010


From the first time I saw Lotta Helleberg's work I was in love with her graphic botanic prints. The amazing detail she gets in her leaf and flower prints and the beautiful contrast of white and black ink on fabulous coloured linens is just beautiful.

If you haven't seen her work you are in for a treat, her inleaf shop is full of beautiful handcrafted pieces made with the most wonderful attention to detail.

Lotta is a keen gardener like me and shares beautiful photos of her garden on the other side of the world in her garden blog. I like that our seasons are so opposite, I get to savour spring in her patch while the leaves are turning here and she can taste a bit of my blowsy midsummer in the depths of her icy winter and vice versa.

Quite a long time ago we decided to do a swap. And while its taken us this long to get organised (busy lives!) its been definitely worth the wait! Last week my precious parcel from Lotta arrived in the post, two cushion panels and backs cut from the most beautiful green and grey linen. Lotta was generous enough to let me choose the colours and leaves I wanted and printed them up especially for me.

I do love them. Thank you so much Lotta :-) It will be so special to have a piece of your work in my home! There is something so wonderful about having a friend's work around. It gives things another layer of preciousness. Here are some other pics of Lotta's lovely work.


  1. Beautiful prints – as much in the details that aren't quite there, as the intricacies of the details that are.

  2. Goodness, the colours she uses are stunning. Beautiful, but what did you send her?

  3. I am blushing. Thank you so much for this nice feature. The swap was a delight - I received two beautiful tea towels and a generous piece of the blue rick rack fabric. The towels will grace my kitchen and the fabric will most likely make its way into my work somehow. Thanks you Susie!!

  4. How lovely! I adore Lotta's work too.


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