
Monday 13 December 2010


apricot jam
apricot jam

Beautiful Kate has been hosting a happy link list on her blog this week and I've loved reading all the beautiful contemplations - lots of great words that have brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips. While I've tried a few times to sit down and write one of my own its been much too crazy a week this week, and my brain is too scattered to do it justice.

You guys know my list anyway, it starts with family, friends and community. It takes in art, food, nature and making. This crazy week it has been about all those things but also about my little Flower Press business which has been doing a lot lately to keep a smile on my face.

The very best thing was hitting the post office today with lots of Flower Press parcels flying off around the world, especially sending those ones addressed to blog friends around the country who took advantage of my postage discount to buy a little Flower Press of their own. Thanks guys :-)

This manages to combine lots of happy things like art, making, community, friends and giving. It came with lots of nice emails and ended in chaos as my huge box of posting envelopes ran out, my cellophane bags came down to a the wire and my woven labels pile depleted to a handful. And here I was feeling so organised!

Its lovely to be rushed off my feet though, and today's posting was perfect timing. Its my birthday tomorrow and I'm going to be busy all day spending it with my boy doing lunch and the beach then chocolate cake and home made cards and some cuddles with my kids. And phone calls from all my other specials near and far.

Oh and these jars of homemade Apricot Jam are all Suzy's fault. Last week when I talked about mad last minute projects she commented that she'd just picked up cheap apricots at our local fruit/deli market to make a batch of jam (and don't her jars look beautiful, love those labels)! Of course when I had to walk past that particular shop on Saturday I had to go in and buy some, despite Mr F protesting that I didn't have time! I didn't but I'm so glad I squeezed it anyway, don't they look cute with their RickRack hats. And I'm already enjoying giving them away!


  1. I hope you have a super fabulous birthday tomorrow - sounds like you have the day planned perfectly!

  2. Oh, yay you! Sounds like lots of lovely stuff happening to just the perfect birthdaying lady. Have a gorgeous day. Try and resist some of that jammy goodness and factor in the chocolate cake.

  3. Happy birthday for tomorrow lovely Susie!
    It sounds like quite the crazy, but in a happy way, time for you guys. This post made me smile big because it is so full of goodness and joy. Hip hip hooray!

  4. Another Sagittarian (me too)!! Happy birthday!!! Hope it's a day full of goodness and love.

  5. oh I just love apricot jam. My daughters and I made jars of it two years in a row at our old house - picking buckets of apricots from a neighbours tree. I love the process of making jam. A family from school have a cherry orchard and this year we have access to cheries so maybe cherry jam could be on the breakfast menu. Beautiful post - a lovely read as always! Have a great week.

  6. Oh, Susie, I'm just catching up. I can't wait until my parcel arrives! Those RickRack hats are classics - bravo you. And I hope you've had a glorious birthday. J x

  7. Belated happy birthday Susie! (I'm always behind on my blog list) - btw - we share the same birthday :)
    Your jam look delicious!
    I've finally hung my lovely ruby slipper print - it's now right next to my desk/sewing table & looks gorgeous - thanks!

  8. I saw a round piece of your fabric on Denise's window seal - now I know where it came from! Beautiful and very thoughtful! :)


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