
Saturday 18 December 2010


sewing baskets

What a crazy week, but I'm happy to say I survived it!

On top of preparing and packaging and sending all the shop and wholesale orders, driving across town to buy new packaging stocks when they ran out, and picking up some more christmas gifts, I managed to find and buy (in a one hour window of opportunity mind you!), a new dress and new shoes for a big 40th we are going to tonight. Its being held on a roof terrace with views of Circular Quay and lots of lovely friends will be there. I can't wait!

I feel like Mr F and I have really earned some fun (he's been flat out with his business too). We started slowing down last night with friends for dinner, sitting outside in the garden with a glass of champagne and fresh tiger prawns as the sun set and the moon rose high in the evening sky.

On my birthday I was well spoilt. Takeaway thai noodles at the beach and a snorkel round the rocks. Then home for mud cake and pressies. Lots of lovely thoughtful presents - some vintage, some craft, clothes. This beautiful top from Mr F is from Kisu on King Street, both the fabric and the top were designed by the owner, wouldn't that be cool, something to aspire to! And this trowel from the V&A comes from my Mum, how perfect is that! I said to her if you had to choose an object to represent me you'd be hard pressed to do better.

This is my last post for a while and I wanted to take the chance to wish all of you a Very Happy Holiday (along with any celebrations that are relevant to you!). Thank you so much for visiting, for all your wonderful comments this year, you are so generous and encouraging and nice! I've loved visiting all your blogs too and come away with many new projects, ideas and stories.

I hope to make it back to post an end of year roundup and I might pop in before then, but if not have a wonderful New Year too. I have a few things planned  for 2011 (including a great swap, I've got this idea that's been rolling around my head for a while!) and I've already lined up the first Show & Tell interview for February. Meanwhile I'm looking forward to time off to be reinspired and reenergised, time with my family and some vacant staring out at space. Some swimming, in the creek and at the beach, some eating and drinking, some reading, some laughing, some fun!

p.s. Master D was reading over my shoulder the other day and said in a very gentle way, I think you've said  'lovely' too many times. So only two here, I'm reformed ;-)


  1. Just you have yourself the loveliest of festive seasons, you lovely lady, you.

  2. Have a restful and joyous break, Susie - so well deserved! J x

  3. Oh, those sewing baskets have set my heart all a flutter. All your goodies are lovely. Your birthday sounded lovely and the 40th does too. I'm all for lovely and I hope your Christmas and New Year is lovely as well.


  4. Have a wonderful holiday!

    That top! Those shoes! And the glasses - really a sight for sore eyes. Thanks for posting such lovely photos!

  5. Best wishes for a wonderful break Susie :) I love your pressies so much - what a great haul! Enjoy :) Kx

  6. Enjoy all those fab activities you have planned - have a wonderful festive season and can't wait to see what you have lined up for next year.

  7. Merry Christmas Susie and best wishes for 2011 too x!

  8. Happy belated birday susie, and Merry Christmas! he he he. Love all the pics - sounds like you need a break! hope you have a lovely restful time, but also loads of laughs and fun! kiss kiss, hug hug. xo K

  9. Lovely to hear you are taking some time out for a well deserved break. Happy birthday too! A fellow Capricorn:)It has been wonderful visiting flowerpress throughout the year and I look forward to happy visits in 2011. That swap sounds very interesting and exciting. Until 2011...x


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