
Monday 3 January 2011


Happy New Year everyone!

Here's my annual look back at the year that's past. There are a couple of things missing I think but time is a bit hard to find here in holidayland! There's lunch to be planned, swims to be swum and games to be played. Priorities.

I'm looking forward to what's ahead, getting the feel of 2011, but I like to think this quiet time is just as important, recharging the mind and soul, it feels like it. I can feel myself slowing down, stopping to look around. Hope you are all getting time to do the same :-)


  1. A very lovely [I use that word often too] 2011 to you!

  2. Wow! What a wonderful year of yummy goodies :) Great mosaic Susie. Best wishes for a great year ahead :) Kx

  3. Lovely montage and what looks to have been a happy productive creative year for you; am looking forward to 2011 too :-)

  4. You must look at that mosaic with much pride and warm fuzzies.
    So beautiful!!
    Andi x

  5. Best wishes for a wonderful 2011, Susie! I loved reading your story in Extra Curricular over the Christmas break - brilliant! Nic x

  6. Happy New Year to you too! Hope you have a wonderful year this year!

  7. You've achieved so much! I wish you all the very best for a Fabulous New Year filled with love, health and prosperity. I look forward to following more of your creative adventures. x

  8. Such a gorgeous collection of work I had to link to it on my own blog ;) I know what you mean about easing into 2011. I have a big year ahead with my eldest starting school and the new bub arriving in June. I'm quite happy to just sit still for a bit longer!

  9. Happy New Year! We're in Sydney at the moment. We went camping for a few days and saw Cal and the gang! Hope you have a nice and relaxing holiday. xx

  10. Happy New Year to you. What a beautiful mosaic - rich in teal - me all time favourite. Still love those stitched dolly shoes. Have fun in the sun (and think of us in the cold mud).

  11. beautiful mosaic!
    wishing you the very best for the new year.


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