
Tuesday 29 March 2011

japanese donations

70s print
I was delighted the other day to use the money raised from my Teapot for Japan print sales to buy winter weight sleeping bags through Superbuzzy's Stay Warm in Japan campaign. Its such a great way to help the cause practically - for just $6 you can buy a sleeping bag for someone to use in the devastated and now freezing areas of Northern Japan affected by the earthquake.

And then I was lucky enough to buy a beautiful fabric pack from generous Melissa, who joined a group of friends in Crafting for Courage, donating the proceeds of sales from some of her beautiful items to the Save the Children fund. Aren't they beautiful!

The crafting community is so generous, I'm always inspired by the creative ways they think of to help us show our concern and help the many people affected by disaster and war around the world.

Thanks for all the Marble love!!! I'll be back tomorrow to share some new prints based on my recent designs and I think its time I had a GIVEAWAY, don't you! Come back tomorrow for the chance to win your favourite of the new prints :-)


  1. thank you for helping me with the fundraiser.

    i'll have my fingers crossed for your marble design. :)


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