
Thursday 31 March 2011

my creative space - giveaway

New Prints
new prints
new prints
As promised my creative space today is a GIVEAWAY to introduce my new A4 prints.

My Ruby Slippers have long been a popular gift for girls, so its nice to be able to offer some unisex prints that boys will like too. Coincidentally my two darling boys turn ten this Saturday, can you believe it?! It doesn't seem that long ago that we found out we were having twins. I found my diary from 2001 the other day and by this time ten years ago I was the size of a house and moving very slowly, trying to keep up with a busy three year old!

To enter my giveaway just choose your favourite print and tell me which one it is in a comment below. The giveaway is open to everyone. I haven't done this before but I'm going to give followers who enter an extra vote, to thank you all for being regulars round here and for all your lovely support. Just make sure to mention your follower status in your comment. I'm happy for new followers to take advantage of the offer too.

Prints are named Red Teapot, Triangle Twist, yellow Marble Collection, blue Marble Collection, Turquoise Teapot and Blue Teapot. They are printed on wonderful heavy archival paper with beautiful six colour epson inks. These prints look wonderful framed in Ikea's A4 size Ribba Frame (not included). I'm hoping to offer a smaller a5 print soon too.

Oh and a winner will be drawn Friday week (8th April). Good Luck! For more creative types visit Kirsty!


  1. Oooh I'm first! My favourite is the red teaset and I'm a follower. Thanks

  2. I love the blue teapot print. I think it is perfect for a kitchen!

  3. Lovbe the turquoise tea set and I am a follower.
    Happy Birthday to your boys and congratulations to you for getting them to 10 and being sane!!

  4. Hello! I am a follower - Rachel @ Squiggly Rainbow.

    I just adore the red teapot and the blue marbles.

    Thanky ou for your kindness and generosity!

    Your work is inspiring - I found your blog a few months ago. The red shoes in the sidebar cracked me up as the week before I'd sketched a logo for my aspiring Squiggly Rainbow and my logo had red shoes -
    "at the end of a squiggly rainbow there is always a pair of red shoes"!

    I put it on my facebook page - and have not got onto a proper logo yet.

    Rach x

  5. You know I love them all and the yellow marbles have me all gooey with love, but I have to say Triangle Twist is my absolute fave :) I love it's chaos. Kx

    p.s. follower status to be noted... I want as many chances to win as possible! ;)

  6. I do love them all, but yellow marbles is my favourite! I'm a follower too x

  7. The blue teapot is just delightful and would become a gorgeous gift for my beautiful mother's kitchen if I were to be the lucky 'winner'.

    x Felicity

  8. I can't decide, I love them all but if pushed I would probably have to say Red Teapot is my favourite.

    I am your latest follower, your blog is so completely inspiring and beautiful.

    Happy Birthday to your boys and Happy Birthing Day to you Mama. Mama to twins you certainly need to celebrate!

  9. i love blue Marbles. They make me HAPPY... Almost as happy as Tootles was in PETER PAN when he realizes, "he really hadn't lost his marbles after all"!

  10. Susie, i adore the tea for two prints!

  11. Oh I LOVE the blue marbles, how cute!!

  12. I love the yellow marbles - such a lovely way to brighten up a room! Fingers crossed!

  13. What a great little giveaway!!! I really love the yellow marbles... so cute!! Wouls be great for a little boys room :)

    btw - Love your blog

  14. I thought I was following your blog.. as I visit here a lot!!! Just thought I would check.. Whoops.. well, I am now :)

    laminag (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. My son adores yellow, so please put me down for the yellow marbles. Lovely. Will go and follow you now too. Coz, I like what I see!

  16. Oh, Susie, you generous girl. I would definitely choose the blue Marble Collection, given we have introduced the pixies to them.

    I also have one-third of my Dad's old ones from the 1930s (divvied up with my siblings) which I treasure and will post about soon.

    I love it given it's one of your newest works and I think it should become a best-seller.

    J x

  17. As you know, I'm an avid and happy follower. J x

  18. Oh how gorgeous! Of course I'm a follower....hmmm I love the yellow marbles.

  19. Hi, we're your new followers. And we would love to have the blue teapot print. Would be so nice in our studio... and remind us, that we should have a rest sometimes :)

  20. I love that image of you 10 years ago. Oh how your world was about to change. ten years ago I had a six month old and we were packing up to move here. My how time flies...Happy birthday to your boys.
    I love them all Susie! But I think I love the blue teapot the most.
    And of course I'm a follower. X

  21. Happy Birthday to your boys Susie! A great age, I loved being ten.
    I can't believe I've only just stumbled across your blog and you are already having a giveaway. What a generous gal, lucky me!
    It's super hard to choose, but I love your blue marbles.
    And you are my very first 'FOLLOW'. : )

  22. how lovely, I do adore your prints. I have been following in my reader, but happy to follow with blogger as well! My favourite is the red tea pots, cause you can never have too much red in the kitchen:)

  23. I follow and I love the blue marble collection. Marbles are a great idea for a print!

  24. Those are all completely lovely! If I had to pick a favourite I think I would go with the blue teapots. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  25. Oooh lovely giveaway - I would choose the blue marbles for my Mr 4!

  26. Ohh what a lovely giveaway! I think the blue tea pot would look awesome In my kitchen. But the marbles are cute too.

  27. Blue marbles, so clever :) I am a follower.

  28. I'm weirding myself out and voting for the BLUE teapot as opposed to the red. Must be going through a phase. Even though you have obviously survived to tell the tale, I still can't help but feel oh, so sorry for you cookie. A three year old and pregnant with twins...ARGH!

  29. I'm loving the red and white tea set! Thanks for giveaway!

  30. red teapot is an absolute winner! love it! thanks for this giveaway!

    volfima [at] gmail [dot] com

  31. and i'm a follower of your lovely blog. x

  32. Yellow marbles are divine. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower.

  33. I love the red teapot. Ever since my daughter was little, we always chatted over a cup. She's moving into a new apartment in May and that would make a wonderful house warming gift for her!

  34. I follow! And I like the triangle twist. Thanks for this opportunity.

  35. Oh gosh! I can't believe I found your blog yesterday and joined as a follower (just in time!!). So yes please, enter me!! I like the blue marble collection best :-)

  36. Oh happy birthday to your boys, Susie! :-)

    I love your blue marbles!

    And I stalk you through GoogleReader. Eh, follow, obviously. ;-)

  37. So hard to choose, but the red teapots are just divine!

  38. If I win I would love to own the Red Teapot please..I am a follower too! It was a hard choice..I love the marbles as well.

  39. They're all beautiful! I love Triangle Twist.

    And happy birthday to your boys!

  40. Triangle twist is my favourite, but it took me ages to decide! I'm a follower too!

  41. I Love it! and now a follower! The red tea pot print is just super duper :)

  42. i love triangle twist! i'm a google reader subscriber. thanks!

  43. I love that triangle twist! I'm a follower and I also mentioned your giveaway on my facebook page. :)

  44. I've just stopped by from "A Little Bird Told Me" - what a great give away you are having! I love the blue marbles print, my darling partner is a lovely nerd (off to the comic book convention this weekend) and the print made me think of what he must have been like as a child, wtih marbles, lego, star wars actions figures etc. (actually, he still has all these things even at 30 hmmmmm...)
    But it is a beautiful print and would look great in out study with his other nerdy things!

  45. red teapot or turquoise teapot?

    Can't decide - that's a tough choice.

  46. I'm a (new) follower - been reading for ages though, love all your inspiring colour.

  47. Just discovered you and I love your art and your style! I vote for the red teapot, but they are all wonderful!

  48. So hard to decide... my favourite is the blue marbles

  49. I love the blue Marble Collection would look great in my boys room. Im a follower :D

  50. You have been busy! Wonderful designs - I now feel like a hot cuppa - and wonderful true shades of blue and red.

  51. triangle twist would be lovely, thanks! ;)
    and i am your newest follower. v glad to find you via MCS, finally. lovely work you have there. Keep up the good work! ~Missy Minzy x

  52. I think the marble ones are shouting out to be made into quilting fabric! And my favourite would be the navy teapot.

  53. I already have two tea-themed pieces of art in my kitchen and a third would officially make a collection right?! Your beautiful blue teapot print would be perfect. Thanks!

  54. I love them all, but the red teapot might be my favorite! So pretty!!

  55. Oooh, am a follower :) I think my favourite is the yellow marbles and the red teapot, they are so cute !

  56. So hard to choose! I love them all. I might have a slight preference for Triangle Twist. Thanks!!! Oh and I'm a follower.

  57. Great giveaway! I love Triangle twist, and can see it in my house already ;-)

  58. Hi! I just found your blog via Spring Clours week and I LOVE it! Started following today. :)

    Love all of the prints -- but if you twist my arm, I guess my favorite is the blue teapot! (The Twisted Triangle is a close second!)


Thank you for dropping by and commenting :-)