
Tuesday 15 March 2011

show & tell - corrie sebire

As anyone who reads her blog knows, popular Sydney blogger Corrie Sebire, better known as retromummy, is an amazing multitasker,  in spite of her busy multi-family! Corrie is the mother of four beautiful kids, twins Finn and Tillie, an older daughter Keira who is just starting school, and the cutest baby girl, Elodie.

Corrie blogs and crafts regularly. She also finds time to make and sell clothes and accessories like these beautiful dresses. Like any good retromummy Corrie is also an accomplished knitter, quilter and baker and makes a mean white chocolate rocky road!

If that wasn't enough to keep her busy, and I'm exhausted even thinking about it, she is also coordinating the Quilts for Queensland drive, collecting and sewing blocks and quilts for victims of the Queensland floods. Such a wonderful cause. Recently Corrie posted links to some  great quilt tutorials. As someone who often gets overwhelmed by the wealth of wonderful quilt pictures and advice online these were a great selection of resources in one place.

Corrie's blog also hosts some fantastic giveaways. (I recently won a fabulous pair of new swimming goggles via her blog, and I never win anything!) Luckily for you, Corrie has just announced her biggest giveaway ever, today! Head over for your chance to win a shopping spree and personalised style session at Westfield! Read about Corrie's session and see her fantastic pictures and videos!

But first a chance to read more about this talented blogger, to find out what her favourite handmade things are, and try to guess her favourite colour (not too hard)! Thanks Corrie.

Corrie Sebire

Sydney, Australia




1. Can you give us a short description of your blog/style/work
My blog is a story of life at my house. Family, craft, inspiration and just my life in general.

2. Why blog? How did you start?
I started blogging when I went a week overdue with Keira, my first daughter back in 2006. I was a knitter and wanted to share my knitting projects and make friends on the internet as I wasn't working and had just moved to a new area.

3. Family taught/Self-taught/Trained?
I was taught knitting by my grandma and nana when I was in primary school but picked it up again in my 20's from books. The sewing and quilting is a mixture of self taught and short courses at TAFE [technical college] and community colleges.


4. Workspace - studio or kitchen table?
I am so lucky to have two adjoining rooms devoted to craft. Very lucky indeed. I have a cutting table which is a very fancy market table from Bunnings (I'm joking that it's fancy, obviously) and my machine and overlocker are set up on a basic ikea desk.

5. Blog/Shop name, where does it come from?
I thought of the name in 2007 when I realised I wasn't like a lot of the mums in my mothers group. I felt like I was more of a traditional homemaker and figured I was a retro mummy. It was like a light bulb moment and I set up a new blog straight away!

6. Favourite media to work in?
Fabric. Definitely fabric!

7. Ambitions/future directions/future projects/medium you'd like to try?
I would just love more time to spend making quilts. That would make me very happy. I'm just a bit short on time and pulled in a lot of directions but I see lots more quilts in my future.

8. Are you neat and organised or, ahem, creatively messy?
definitely creatively messy for a few weeks then I reign it all in... and it gets messy again.

9. Favourite handmade, handcrafted item you own not made by you.
I have a sock monkey made by Kellie of Don't Look Now - it was for the kids but it's actually out of reach of the kids. Too special to be thrown around and trashed by my little ones.

10. Favourite food/recipe?
Sushi, tempura and anything japanese.

11. Favourite colour?

12. Star sign?

13. Favourite place, landscape (not necessarily Australian)?
Japan, without a doubt. Images of cherry blossom, temples, traditional buildings, mountains. I just love Japan


14. Any tricks for juggling life/work/family with creative pursuits?
Well I let a lot of less important things slip by prioritising and make sure family always comes first. I also make sure I have some projects out that I can do on the couch or in the car on weekends so that I can make the most of a spare hour or two.

15. Favourite artists, artisans, crafters?
Oh so many. I tend to love crafters with large families like Soulemama and Anna Maria Horner. Balancing life at home and creating with large families. Inspiring and doing it beautifully.

16. Your favourite thing you've made/written/done
Sorry for the cliché but my four children. I am so busy everyday but goodness they are the best thing I've done. If I was allowed I'd have another baby in a flash.


17. Three words to describe yourself?
busy, chatty, loving

18. What do you like to do besides creating?
Bake some cookies or get my toes painted while retro daddy does the groceries. You might also find me asleep on the couch when I get a chance!


  1. Gotta love retromummy! Great interview!

  2. Lovely interview and I figured the answer was pink already!

  3. A great interview featuring a great blogger. x

  4. A great interview featuring a great blogger. x

  5. What a fabulous look into Corrie's crafty world. Her work is so lovely, feminine and neat. Look at those perfect hexagons! Love it!


  6. It's always fun to read about someone you feel is familiar from another person's perspective. Good questions and interview.

  7. thank you for having me! love all the pictures, it was like a reminder of what I've done:)

    thank you

  8. A fab interview, Susie, with one of my favourite bloggy friends - bravo! Corrie is just inspirational. J x


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