
Monday 14 March 2011

triangle twist



I have the pattern bug and I'm really enjoying trying to put lots of ideas down quickly when I have time. I've nearly settled on a design for the Project Selvage competition, the first idea that popped into my head by coincidence, but with another ten days till the deadline I'm still playing. I promise I'll share my entry when I decide!

This is my new Triangle Twist design, inspired by a coincidence of triangle prints and designs I've been seeing lately. I think if you were clever enough it would make an interesting quilt design!

As you can see I'm experimenting with different colour combinations too, and loving how they affect the design. The baby blue is inspired by Project Selvage while the other palette is taken from a photo I liked here.

As well as that I am putting together photos for the March Show & Tell, which will be posted tomorrow! I always get so excited about these wonderful interviews, I know that you are going to love this one!

My thoughts are also with Japan today. I'm looking for ways to contribute to the victims and show my support for the country. Like Australian Red Cross or this google page has donation links to the Japanese Red Cross and also the very poignant 'person finder' tool link. Just heartbreaking.


  1. Fabulous! I do love both of those colourways in your design too. It's fascinating how the change is colours changing the look of the actual design too.

    Looking forward to another Show and Tell!


  2. Oh my... love this Susie! I shamefully admit that my first emotion was envy... wish I'd come up with this. Love triangles - so fresh and vibrant in design and I love the colours you've used so far. Very excited about seeing your Project Selvage design (promise I'll try and control my envy!) Kx

  3. Very excited about project selvedge- good luck with your finalising.
    Yes, Japan- incomprehensible, really, isn't it. x


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