
Thursday 28 April 2011

my creative space - mulberry tea

mulberry tea

With lots of encouragement from (birthday girl) Tania, and generous and invaluable advice from Suse, I have finally taken the plunge and started knitting a tea leaves cardigan.
The wool I'm using is Woollahra from Morris and Sons, in Mulberry. The colour reminds me of these. Its a wool, silk, cashmere blend. Very luxurious. Here's the ravelry link.
I took these photos the other day. In actual fact our long holiday and the rainy weather means I'm a bit further now, past the sleeve holes and heading down the sides! Its funny how addictive it becomes, I'm feeling now like maybe I could make a whole cardigan, though I still have the sleeves and dpns to face, yikes, not my favourite thing. Hopefully by then I'll be on the home stretch and nothing will stop me.
I love this print Wet Afternoon by Ethel Spowers and its very apt for the weather here in Sydney which is typical April Showers. My brother bought me a printmakers calendar from the AGNSW this year and this is one of the images. I must show some of the others here, it features lots of fantastic early Australian women printmakers, I love it.


  1. How gorgeous! Love a bit of speckly yarn :) You guys make me sorry I don't knit. Maybe there's a crochet tea leaves cardi pattern out there somewhere..? Have fun Susie. Kx

    p.s. Love that wet afternoon print too :)

  2. Love the colour of this yarn! Just gorgeous for winter cardigan. It must be so lovely to knit from too:) Enjoy! x

  3. The colour is lovely. My tea leaves cardigan is waiting to be frogged as I messed up an increase. I think you have inspired me to make that a job for today.

  4. Ooooh, that yarn will be lovely for the tea leaves cardi! gorgeous!

  5. Sumptious looking yarn! Mmmm. I hope your knitting session goes really smoothly for you DPN's and all! :)
    I have to say I'm ready for the Sydney rain to take a little break - even for a couple of days... wishful thinking?
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Hooray! I'm so pleased to have been of assistance. I've nearly finished my second tea leaves in the Woollahra and it's actually tempting to knit a third (I need a green one I believe).

  7. it's looking great!
    i need to get knitting/crocheting asap!! love to be in the middle of a project right in the addictive stage.
    good luck with the tricky bits.

  8. Wow, that's a beautiful print. Thanks for alerting me to her work! Off to go and google now.


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