
Monday 4 April 2011

ten by two

birthday cake
zinnias and easter daisies
zinnias and easter daisies

I had the best weekend, busy but lots of fun.
We started with sport, two games, at different grounds. As it was the start of the season the netballers then held their traditional march past where all the clubs walk in turn to a lovely old 1930s soundtrack.
Then it was home for presents. Happily the boys loved them all and declared it the best birthday ever. They were so suprised and grateful for even the smallest gifts, I love them for that. As always we got to indulge ourselves with two birthday cakes, which like every year since they could choose were Raspberry Ripple and Chocolate Mud cake. The sleepover party comes next week which will be a good excuse for a bit more cake!
Sunday was exhausting but fun too. The weather was perfect and the entire Inner West seemed to pass through our School Fair, opened by our new local MP (the first Green ever elected as a lower house member in NSW).
It was a lovely chance to see lots of friends in one place. Its a bit like a small town here in the Inner West, everyone seems to know everyone. I like that!
These zinnias and easter daisies were bought early on from our plant stall (I just wish the ones I'm growing looked half as good!).
Mr Flowerpress and I did about five hours duty on different stalls. Then after helping with the mammoth job of packing up we all ended up at a friends house were a big bunch of us toasted our successful day with a cold drink or two and rested our aching legs.


  1. Do you realise you have parented those birthdaying boys of yours for TWENTY years? No wonder you need to put your feet up (never find the Fair).

    Um. Perhaps a week of early nights for you? A little lifesaving prep for that weekend sleepover?

  2. It makes all the work worthwhile when kids are grateful...good on them! The cakes are spectacular, raspberry ripple looks amazing...especially next to the flower pics.

  3. that pink cake looks amazingly impressive

  4. What gorgeous photos ! Happy Birthday to the young ones . Rasberry Ripple is my favourite cake which is exactly why I don't make it anymore , lol !

  5. Can I just say that the pictures on your blog look fantastic!!! Where I live everything is just stripped of colour these days, and looking at your blog is like sending your eyes to a party :)

  6. Those cakes look delicious!!
    Happy birthday everyone.
    Andi x

  7. sounds fantastic! those cake look gorgeous!! Happy birthday to all!!

  8. Ahh, what a wonderful weekend. I love that 30's music - I imagine it being played on an old gramaphone with all the crackles. Happy birthday to your boys! Oh those Zinnias are lovely - I look forward to seeing yours. I wonder if I am too late in the season to plant my patiently waiting seeds - I will have a look:) Have a lovely week!

  9. Happy birthday to your boys and to you Susie. It sounds like a wonderful weekend. I wonder if you've recovered by now, three days later.

  10. Wow - those zinnias are amazing!

    Sounds like a rather manic (in a good way!) weekend was had by your family! May the holidays come quickly!


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