
Friday 1 April 2011


paper pots continued
paper pots continued
paper pots continued
The semi finalists for Project Selvage were announced yesterday, and sadly my Marble Collection didn't make the cut. Go here to see all the great designs that did. I have voted for only one design this time, can you guess which one!? There seem to have been some popular themes and a couple I liked missed out. I am so interested to see which ten make the final cut in the popular vote and how the designers go on to build a collection around their initial design. 

Thank you anyway for all for your lovely support and for all those wonderful GIVEAWAY entries! I just looked and the Red Teapot is ahead in popularity by one comment, followed closely by the Blue Marbles print! For those of you who are interested in the Marble Collection fabrics, I will be printing some small quantities and selling them through my shop. I also have a new coordinating design I'm really happy with which I'll share next week as well as marble fabric proofs that arrived yesterday! The good news is it looks great on fabric, the quality is amazing! (The bad is only that I got the scale a little wrong, duh :-) But I can easily fix that before ordering quantities.)

If you haven't entered the giveaway there is still plenty of time, it won't be drawn till next week, did I make that clear enough, perhaps not, I meant next Friday! Just leave a comment here or on the post saying which print you'd like to win. Followers get an extra vote!

Think of me this weekend. I have J and D's birthday tomorrow but we're out early for the first games of this year's soccer and netball seasons first (the kids not mine!). Sunday I have four hours of stall duty at our School Fair. As you can see the paper pot seedlings have thrived in the autumn rain and are itching to get out and grow! Look at that leggy dianthus! Pray to the weather gods for us and if you're inner westie pop in for a ride, a plant, some craft, some music, some great food or flowers! Its always a great day and a wonderful cause.


  1. Damn it. If I lived any closer I'd be 'dibsing' ALL of that florally loveliness. Enjoy that birthday business!

  2. I was so disappointed you didn't make the cut, Susie. I scanned all 5 pages, searching for it. Their mistake. Your design was brilliant and I love it. J x

  3. Oh, the seedlings are looking wonderful! I'd be snapping those up if I were in the area!

    Sorry your print didn't make it through. I think it's wonderful.

    Who did you vote for? I couldn't resist the circus design. :)

  4. Those paper flower pots are crazy-wonderful! Bummer about your design not making it through.


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