
Monday 20 June 2011

monday monday

solar dyeing
solar dyeing

I've been trying to get in here to post today but lots of good stuff and nice emails have been distracting me till now. A nice way to start the week.

I wanted to remind you though that June's Show & Tell interview is going up tomorrow! One small hint, she's someone a little bit famous in the local and international crafting scene and I know you're going to love reading more about her and her work.

Thanks to everyone who has been emailling about the Brooch Swap. There's been so much great feedback and goodwill inspired by this project. I can't wait to share more when its finished and all those brooches have found their new owners. Nin complimented me on striking a balance between keeping everyone in touch and not too much of the Drill Sergeant, which I was happy to hear! My big hope now is that everyone comes through with the goods. Please don't forget, last posting day is tomorrow!!

Here's another sneak peek. All the natural dyeing on the interwebs has me inspired and I couldn't resist starting some jars full of natural stuffs, which may or may not end up producing dye colours on the scraps of linen I've started feeding into them. They look pretty on the window ledge anyway, and that's enough for me. I love the preserved beauty of these eucalyptus flower heads!

The mermaid giveaway ends Wednesday, so don't forget to pop in and like me on facebook to enter. I'm feeling much less lonely over there now!


  1. You did a wonderful job of organising the swap. Just the perfect amount of reminding for those of us who are a little gorgetful!
    I posted mine off today, so fingers crossed it gets there soon... and I received mine today too and its gorgeous!

  2. love the photos..I agree you done a wonderful job with the swap.I sent mine off 2 weeks ago.


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