
Wednesday 15 June 2011

my creative space - blue wren


wren sketch

Like many people involved in the brooch swap, I thought long and hard about my brooch, I dithered, I stressed, I changed my mind a few times! But I've done swaps before and I think that the pressure is part of the process and often comes with big jolts of inspiration, experimentation and new skills.

I set last weekend as my deadline and starting making a few different prototypes but soon settled on this design, modelled on my great friend, the little blue wren. We have a wren family who live close and visit every day. Mr Blue Wren (above, photo from here) likes to sit up high and sing his little heart out while his delicate fawn coloured family bounce their way around the yard eating bugs, bathing and chattering. Occasionally they drop in on the back deck to check the dog's bowl, and sometimes sneak in our back door to look for something better. I just love them.

Though I haven't done much with felt before the graphic wren was easy to convert, I traced a photo roughly to get the shapes then printed out the pattern above and cut pieces which I layered up on a felt backing. I actually used a little pva glue to hold them in place and then sewed each colour firmly with matching cotton.

My brooch goes in the mail tomorrow, with some little extras I'll keep as a surprise for my swap partner! If you want to use the pattern to make your own wren (for personal use only) I've included it above. Check out all the other creatives here.

And if you missed it yesterday I'm having a giveaway below, to celebrate my new Flower Press facebook page.


  1. You have captured it's beauty - the recipient is very lucky.

  2. Mr Wren is beautiful. I had a pair of wrens flitting around my garden last week and just couldn't get enough of looking at them! Your swap partner will be so blessed.

  3. I love how the threads at the bottom look like feathers! This is beautiful!!

  4. Wow... he is so beautiful and what a lovely idea for a brooch! What a lucky surprise someone is going to get :)

  5. Oh my, he is breathtakingly gorgeous!
    You have done a spectacular job of creating the brooch and your swap partner is truly lucky to be receiving him.
    As for having regular visits from your little bluebirds of happiness, well you are one lucky lady - they are my favourite little bird but we don't have any in my pocket of the world.

    Thank you for sharing today, you've brought a broad smile to my face with your lovely craft.

    Felicity xx

  6. He's adorable! You have done a wonderful job of converting the photo into this little brooch. Lucky swap partner!

  7. So gorgeous, I love the way his eye looks sparkling and alive...just like the real thing!

  8. Absolutely lovely! Talented thing you are x

  9. Georgious I have always loved blue wrens. Lucky swap partner.

  10. So beautiful! I adore those colours. Our little wrens are brown, like boiled eggs. Someone is going to be completely thrilled with that brooch.

  11. Fantastic! Thank you for sharing!

  12. FABULOUS, Susie! I just love it - totally a work of art :) I think deadline creations have this special buzz to them - we take risks in our haste and create great things. Mr Blue Wren is inspired! Kx

  13. Breath taking! What an amazing little bird. I love Wren's but we don't get them in such fantastic colours over here. I love the layering of the different textures and colours.

  14. Wow! From a distance, you would not know which was bird and which was brooch!

  15. Ooooh Susie!! He is sooo gorgeous! Lucky duck swap buddy. What a sweet little neighbor to have and you've done such a fab job of him. x

  16. Gorgeous brooch - and thank you so much for sharing your process. I'm waiting for inspiration to strike for my Hottie Challenge cover very soon, and you've given me hope!

  17. You are the brooch master. It is superb.

  18. How beautiful! You have captured that little Wren perfectly:)
    Warm regards from South Africa,

  19. Fabulous your sketches too...
    More warm greetings from south Africa!

  20. it is so beautiful! and generous of you to make the pattern available - thank you x

  21. He’s a BEAUTY, he is. And I bet I know who your swap partner is...

  22. That blue wren brooch really stands out on my blog roll. Aren't they just the prettiest of birds.

  23. Oh wow! That is one gorgeous wee wren!

  24. loved seeing the creative process! It's gorgeous!


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