
Thursday 30 June 2011

my creative space - cardigan!

mulberry tea
mulberry tea
mulberry tea
suse's soap

My Mulberry Tea Leaves is almost finished! I can't believe I knitted a whole cardigan :-) Ravelled here.
All that's left is the weaving in, blocking and finding the right buttons. I thought I had the right buttons but the buttonholes are quite small so I need to look again.
Also I need some advice on blocking from all you experienced knitters. I've never done it so I need some hints.
(Sorry about the colour, the dark day and this particular purply maroon makes this so hard to capture.)
A million thanks to Suse, who helped me find the right wool, the right pattern and helped me sort the button bands. And who sent me this lovely soap in a swap for some RickRack fabric she used in her beautiful quilt. I love this soap so much I am definitely going to have a try at making my own.
Here for lots of other clever clogs.


  1. It looks fabulous, Susie! I'm not a knitter, so can't help I'm sorry, but it looks divine :) Loving those soaps too. Kx

    p.s. I received my swap brooch - so gorgeous :)

  2. Oh clever you!! This is a real accomplishment, well done. I'm still struggling with Rosie's cardi but am feeling more inspired now. Love the wool, good luck with the blocking! xo

  3. Wow, absolutely impressive. And your cardigan looks really REALLY nice. I would totally buy that! (What have you used for the button - was it originally a brooch?)

  4. Well done - that is an achievement! Especiallys since it is adult size! Would love you to check out my blog - I am launching my label today and have a giveaway! Suz

  5. Its a beautiful old op-shopped brooch Ronnie, just filling in for the moment while I look for the right buttons.

  6. it's beautiful! clever you...and I wish I could offer advice but I'm an amateur. Sorry. As for the soap - looks divine (and bet it smells even better!)

  7. oh wow!! that is just gorgeous!! I looove the wool!!

  8. If you can knit a cardi - so can I!!!

    Um what is blocking!!! and was the button holes hard?Oh dear maybe I should not do this....

  9. It looks so beautiful - what a fabulous job you have done! Sorry, cant help with the blocking either...I'm new to knitting too!

  10. Your blog is lovely and this work of yours is beautiful. I love the pattern, the yarn you've chosen! :D

  11. It's lovely! And it looks great with the brooch. I'm not too clued up on blocking, I tend to wear things right away and consider the first wash to be blocking.... I think the best way is to soak it really well in cold water (with soap) for a while, squeezing it gently every now and again. Rinse it out a few times the same way, taking care not to stretch it, then roll it up in a towel and stomp on it to get most of the water out. Then lay it flat on a towel, tweak it into shape, and let it dry in the sun.

    Sunshine being what it is at this time of year, I normally wait till summer!

  12. Such a beautiful design and wool. Well chosen! This sweater makes me think more seriously about learning to knit. It is SO lovely.

  13. spotted this divine knit on our creative spaces today. i am a knitter. i am in love with this cardi - yummy!

  14. I really love your cardigan... it's so gorgeous... I love the colour, the style and I want one! :)

  15. Hi Susie..great how the bling looks on it too..a real contrast!

  16. wow! love the cardigan! well done you!

  17. *Wild Applause* Looks gorgeous Susie! I am so envious and inspired all at once. It must be hugely satisfying. x
    ps. I wish this were a scratch n sniff post. : )

  18. The cardigan looks gorgeous!!!!
    I love that pattern and can't wait to make myself one now after seeing your version....

    That soap looks absolutely divine!!!

    I must check out your friends blog to see how she makes this beautiful stuff..

    Thanks for inspiring my once again - Jodie :)

  19. How gorgeous does that soap look?! I can just imagine how lovely it must smell; handmade soap makes me ridiculously giddy with delight.

    Marvellous cardy, bravo.


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