
Monday 4 July 2011

The 2011 Flower Press Brooch Swap!!

Dear Brooch Swappers,
One last post as promised to share all our amazing brooches and to tell you how fantastic you are :-) What a completely fabulous bunch of swappers I was lucky enough to enrol in this mad scheme of mine. You took my little idea and made it something really amazing!

I can't tell you how inspired and delighted I've been by all your clever brooches. I've marvelled at your inspiring ideas and the many different techniques and skills you've used. And your generosity has touched me. I'm sure our Flower Press Brooch Swap Flickr pool will live to inspire many people in the future.

Brooch Swap Mosaic 3
On top of that I was blessed with a delightful group of swappers. I've had so many lovely emails over the past few weeks, full of inspiration, enthusiasm, and excitement. And gratitude. Thanks.

Did you know that there were 88 of us in the end! That's pretty amazing!! My little list is all crossed off (wow!), though I know a couple of brooches haven't made it to their final destination so if you are still waiting for yours give me a yell. My aim is that everyone who made a brooch receives a brooch and I'll work it out somehow. Thanks to everyone for fulfilling their commitments and making this such a great swap.

I think I need a little break now. In fact I might need a long one. But a tiny twinkle of insanity in the back of my mind is thinking this might have to become an annual event. What do you think?

Susie x

Brooch Swap Mosaic 1


  1. An annual event! Yes Please!!!

    Every single brooch is just gorgeous! The thought and time there everyone put into them is just amazing!

    Thank you so much for this fabulous swap Suzie!!!

  2. I think it would be great to do it again. So many pretty brooches in that montage. I hope mine gets here soon :(

  3. Well done on organising so much creative loveliness!!
    I'm sorry I couldn't participate this time. Maybe next year?

  4. They all look excellent together!
    Thanks for organising the swap, I'm so happy with what I made & even happier with what I received. AND, I was hesitant to join as I joined a swap the year before and after all my hard work... never received anything in return.. but I did this time and LOVE IT!
    You deserve a gold star for all your hard work!

  5. Im with Amy, An annual event! Yes Please!!! :) Loved this SWAP!

    And agree you need a gold Star!

  6. Thank you Susie! Such a slick operation, you are a star! Such great fun to try something new, I'd do it again in a pinch. xx

    ps. Just so you know, I think mine is still in transit. Can't wait till it gets here so I can show it off. : )

  7. So much beauty. I must keep an eye out for the next swap.

  8. Great work with the montage Susie, don't they all look great. My vote is to make this an annual event. Thanks for all your hard work in organising this.

  9. Look at that collection of yum!

    Must let the past swappers know when you do the next swap... I was so lucky to get in a nick of time!

  10. I loved this swap - thank you Susie!

  11. Thanks again for all your hard work Ms Flower Press, I loved it hope it does become an annual event.

  12. Thanks again for organising this. I had lots of fun and it is amazing to see all the brooches together.

  13. It looked like a lot of fun ... lots of wonderful brooches - well done everyone :-)

  14. What an amazing variety! I'd definitely take part again!

  15. I'm in for next year, when's the posting date please LOL?

  16. Thanks so much for organising this - I loved this swap , an annual event sounds great too.

  17. What a wonderful idea! Thanks Susie! x

  18. Oooh - didn't we do well, they look fantastic all together!

    Yes please to doing it again next year.

  19. Now that is really impressive. Well done to you for being such an amazing star for organising it and then filling us all with so much enthusiasm during the project. I have had so much fun with it all. Big big pat on the back time. Now go put your feet up!

  20. Gorgeous mosaics! Thank you so much for organizing all the swaps, I loved making my brooch and the one I received was wonderful....I would love another go next year if you did decide to do it....Now go and enjoy a rest! :D

  21. It was a fantastic swap. My crafty and blogging mojo is back and even got mine done before reports. Many Thanks

  22. Susie - you did an amazing job at organising this swap, and I really enjoyed being a part of it. An annual brooch swap would be superb!

  23. Thank you so much for organising this! I had such fun seeing what everybody made - and of course I love the brooch I received :)

  24. I'd love to have another go - hopefully with improved skills! Thank you, again, ever so much for organising such a brilliant swap!

  25. Stunning! All so beautiful and thoughtfully crafted and so inspiring.

  26. Thanks for organising was fun. x


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