
Thursday 14 July 2011

my creative space - time

daisychain embroidery kit
DSC_0025facesop shop

If it wasn't for the cough I took away with me on holiday it would have been the perfect break. We managed to fit in a trip to a country nursery, some op shopping and old waresing (spoils above), lunch at a cafe, lots of family catchups and big dinners, a long walk around my sister in law's bush block  and pruning my mother-in-law's 30 plus roses. Not to mention finding the right buttons for my cardigan and some new jeans for growing boys.
It was cold but not cold enough for snow, which I was sort of happy about.

When I got back my Daisychain sampler embroidery kit from Alicia was here! I couldn't resist ordering this a couple of months ago. I think the fabric is such an interesting colour and it will be a great way to learn some embroidery stitches. A good long term project to potter away on. I'm always happy when I've got something to pick up and work on when the mood strikes.

For lots more creative space don't forget to check in here.

(p.s. Can you see the four little kangaroo heads in that second landscape!)


  1. Sounds like a perfect break (except for the cough) Great photos... where did you get those shoes... they are so cute!! Were they from op shop? Love them!

  2. Yes! I see the kangaroos! How wonderful.

    I love that bit of stitchery. I was so tempted to buy one too, but I wasn't sure my stitching was anywhere near good enough to do it justice. I can't wait to see yours at it progresses. :)

  3. Those shoes and cases are meant for each other! All the best with your embroidery too.

  4. I love your stitch kit - what a great idea! Your photos look amazing, Susie. Glad you had a good time, despite your cough. Kangaroos v. cute :) Kx

  5. Beautiful photos. They make me want to go on holiday somewhere not too exotic, but away from home! Daydreaming now!

  6. I can begin to imagine the delight when your stitchy kit arrived. I would have declared it a cereal-for-dinner day and pottered right in...

    (hope the cough has taken a leap).

  7. I'm with Tania - feed everyone weetbix and get sampling! It looks divine.

  8. Your sampler looks fantastic, and your photo's are gorgeous as always! I love those black shoes! x ( thanx for your lovely supportive comment xx )

  9. I love your term - 'old waresing'! Sounds better than thrift shopping! What a wonderful break!

  10. I have just finished the a on my sampler, and already I am having trouble with french knots! Loving it though. And I reckon I'll have it done in about 5 years at the rate I'm going.


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