
Thursday 7 July 2011

my creative space - custom bokeh

custom bokeh
custom bokeh
custom bokeh
rocky road

My girl was at a loose end the other day (school holidays don't you know) and we came across this idea online. By using a custom made filter you can fashion the out of focus shafts of light, or bokeh, to shape the light.
It's probably much easier and better at night, but we used dappled light through trees to get the same effect. Her heart shape and my star were cut out small in black card that we just held over our lens, we didn't bother in our experiments to make a complete cover. That way we had access to the manual focus on the lens, which we blurred.
These are the best, though we should probably go back and read the instructions more closely to perfect it ;-)

Inspired by MasterChef (we never miss a show!), the boys and I made our own custom rocky road, with maltesers and fresh coconut and cranberries, marshmallows and glace cherries. We got nine out of ten from all the judges.

We're going away on Saturday to visit family out west and I can't wait, I'm planning lots more photo and food adventures.

For lots more creative space action here.


  1. I love Rocky Road - you're making me hungry! Think I'd better make some!

  2. It must be a popular holiday activity we made some rocky road the other week too, there's none left now:( I love your bokeh pictures, the stars are very pretty.

  3. I love those bokeh lense photos... they are so beautiful! So much fun! :)

  4. loving the bokeh idea...
    and the rocky road - i could just dig that with a shovel!

  5. Clever and yum! My two favourite things...

  6. Your rocky road looks about as delicious as the bokeh! Clever! x

  7. Great photos, I really like the heart and star effect!

  8. Oh, and don't I know! (school holidays). That Rocky Road looks as dangerous as all get out and I'm lovin' the photographic experimentary (especially the bit where you didn't bother much with the 'rules')...

  9. i've been reading about bokeh all over the place and it just never stops to amaze me how cool the pictures look!

  10. Wow! wonderful stars and hearts. I will try this out with my girls too. Lovely to hear you are getting away. We are off too - to the seaside - for a well deserved break. I look forward to seeing some of your pictures from your trip x

  11. beautiful photos ! im going to have to give it a go.

  12. Those photos are fantastic! My big girl would like that too.. thanks for the link :) Kx

  13. I love your rocky road. Looks delish - The spin-off I've had from Masterchef is that I have just about sold out of my vintage collection of cravates.


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