
Friday 26 August 2011

spring visitors

 Do you remember these garden visitors back in February. I was surprised to hear one calling again recently, it seemed much too cold for the frogs to be active again, but there they were bopping away.
Now I know why, we discovered these sparkling jewels of frog spawn in the pond on the weekend. Unremarkable to most I'm sure but of great excitement round here. Fingers crossed they'll grow to become tadpoles, it certainly is feeling more like spring round here. On a friend's advice we've moved the eggs from the pond to a bucket to keep them safe from the goldfish, at least until they're a bit larger and able to fend for themselves.

I hope you have a lovely weekend planned friends and beautiful weather like we have here :-) Thank you so much for all the visits and comments this week, for all your sweet words about Christina's Show & Tell and for our softies and cranes.
I'm away next week, going north to help my Mum move into her new house and I probably won't get a chance to blog till I'm back. I'll be blog reading though, just as soon as I can get her internet working!
(Art by Mr Flowerpress.)


  1. Beautiful! It is indeed exciting when the sun comes out!

    Hope you can be part of 'The Bunting Swap' too!

    Rach x

  2. I wondered what that foam was in your first photo. I can remember wading through ditches to catch tadpoles when I was little -- never even thinking about what they were to become. Love the cranes and softies and the fact that you got your boys to knit. Fabulous! Have a good trip. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. I've been feeling a little spring coming on too..even did a bit of spring cleaning today! You must have a very healthy ecosystem working in your back yard with frogs doing so well.

  4. I hope you have a lovely week away with your mother.

    We cleaned out the pantries on Thursday so I guess spring has hit here too!

  5. They are so beautiful! Love all your gorgeous pics Susie, especially the artwork :) Kx

  6. sweet! I love the wooden artwork. See you when you get back! Off to read your latest interview :-)


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