
Wednesday 28 December 2011

christmas 2011

christmas 2011 christmas 2011christmas 2011christmas 2011christmas 2011christmas 2011christmas 2011 christmas 2011 christmas 2011 christmas 2011

Thank you for all the lovely messages on my last post. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to email back individually. I didn't get all those presents bought and wrapped before we set off either! But it all turned out in the end, as it does.

Our trip up the coast was fun, we listened to I Can Jump Puddles on audiobook and only a three hour detour to a country hospital for an infection slowed our progress. This amazing tree was growing near the front door of the outpatients.

We are having lots of fun in the new house, as you can see there was a street fair on Christmas Eve and we bought dinner at our friends' wonderful food van and had a go on the jumping slide before wandering home with our new light sabres to put out the brownies and pillowcases for Santa.

I've forgotten my camera cord so these are all instagrams from my phone. My sister in law is teaching me to weave. This is hers and mine is (hidden) here. Apparently I'm doing well ;-) Its lovely and meditative like knitting. I'm going to try and video her doing it as its wonderful to watch. We've both started some new rows with pandanus leaves harvested at the the Belongil dog beach when we went down for an idyllic late afternoon swim the other day.

I got some lovely pressies for Christmas, I hope you did too! This lovely Strutt Sisters necklace was ordered special by my clever dear and I also got a zoom lens for my camera. Spoilt! I'm enjoying using it for portraits because you can stand well back and catch people in natural poses.

Another major excitement was the arrival of Miss Poppy on Christmas Day, four weeks early mind you, a first baby for our nephew and his partner. We are all so besotted already by this new member of our family. We can't wait to meet her!


  1. Glad to hear you had a wonderful time.
    Congratulations on the arrival of the Christmas baby!

  2. What a lovely time you're having! Your weaving looks amazing Susie! (Yes, I mean your one on your Flickr!) Glad to hear everything went well, including the newest member to the clan :) Kx

  3. Great photos of looks like a wonderful christmas :)

    I have always wanted to have a go at basket weaving... I think yours looks great!

    Nothing like a good game of Risk... I was so happy last time we play.. I won against a bunch of competitive blokes... he he he... they weren't happy at all :D

    ***Happy New Year Susie***


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