
Monday 2 January 2012



Looking back at 2011 I'm quite surprised to see all I crammed into the year! Big achievements included organising a huge swap, designing loads of new fabrics, knitting a cardigan, some fun tutorials, some new recipes, joining the pinterest and instagram communities and being part of a couple of inspiring swaps.

This was the year I hosted the Big Brooch Swap, an idea that had been percolating in my mind for a while. It was fun, it was exhausting and it was inspiring! I met lots of new, wonderful makers (88 swappers in all) and got to experiment with the medium of brooch making for the first time, sewing my little blue wren brooch.

Project Selvage inspired me to design my Marble fabric and my Lego Bricks prints followed. Both have proved wonderfully popular. 2011 also saw me selling these full colour fabric designs for the first time which was great fun. I can't wait to see what you've all been sewing with the fabrics. I'll share them here soon. Here's to even more designs in 2012 including some more screenprinted fabrics.

I got round to block printing with foam and perspex, one of last year's resolutions as part of one of the three swaps I joined (Leslie's great handprinted fabric swap). That's three if you include Cam's Hottie Challenge which wasn't strictly a swap but raised money and brought attention to a great cause. Another wonderful example of this great blogging community coming together to do great things.

I featured another ten wonderful bloggers in my Show & Tell series. I so love highlighting and celebrating our amazing local blogging community with this feature, and I've made some lovely friends through it too, so this will definitely be back in 2012!

I knitted a whole cardigan, an actual knitted garment, which has been a dream of mine for a good while. I haven't knitted much since then (I seem to only be able to cold weather knit?) but my Ravelry wishlist is long so as soon as the weather cools... Also I'm a bit inspired to learn how to crochet at long last so that might be on the 2012 to do list.

I shared my paper pots and pillowcase tutorials this year (see sidebar links). Its been great seeing people share and use these tutes and I'm inspired to make more. Both have been popular on Pinterest where I have been hanging out a bit this year. I'm a bit addicted to my new iPhone and Instagram too and neglecting my SLR. And Flower Press finally got a Facebook page too!

We arrived home today and have a couple of days to unpack and repack (and collapse) before we join the other side of the family for our annual campfest on the Central Coast. But first tomorrow night we have tickets to opening night for Circus Oz and will be catching up with lovely Melbourne friends who are up for that. Can't wait.

I'm starting to slow down and feel inspired again, I always need this break to recharge. I'm slowly starting to think ahead to this new year and make plans... but that's another post! Happy New Year lovelies. Hope you're having fun and rest and frivolity!!


  1. Wow! How lovely that you can reflect on a year like tat! All te best for 2112 xox

  2. Yippee! That's such a fabulous wrap up. Cheers to even more creative goodness in 2012. x

  3. Thats an impressive and inspirational 2011 wrap up, love your mosaic - have been trying to make my own with limited success. What did you use to create yours?

    Happy camping - hope your weather is as good as ours has been for it.

  4. Wow!!! You have done quite a LOT of wonderful things last year! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to this year :)

    Happy New Year!!

  5. What a wonderful year of creativity!

  6. What a fantastic year you have had. Im a recent discoverer of your blog (since the sew mama sew giveaway) and I really like your work. Im hopefully moving to Oz this year, which is very exciting, so many great crafters in your part of the world!
    If you do any more tuts then I have started a link up party called Tutorial Tuesday and Id love to have you.

  7. Happy New Year! What a lot you squeezed in to 2011. Look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2012.

  8. Happy New Year to you! Lovely to hear you had a good break with the family. Wow wee, 2011 was indeed a busy one for you with lots of goodness shared. I am still hoping to get to that pillow tutorial very soon. Have a happy weeked and look forward to visiting during 2012 :)x

  9. Happy New Year to you! You were busy the last!

    I am glad to see there are other addicts! I got an iPhone for Christmas from my very generous husband and I cannot seem to put it down!

  10. Congrats on a super year, am looking forward to seeing what you up to in 2012.

  11. That was a BIG 2011. And it sounds like you're doing holidays BIG too! Yay, for you, Mrs. And happy 2012 everythings to you and your lot.


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