I finally cleared enough space on the laptop to download my recent photos. Here are some my favourites.
This amazing moth - photographed in the glamorous surroundings of the amenities (toilet) block at camping. Wow. How beautiful! I borrowed a book from the farm at Christmas with photos of butterflies and moths in it, but this guy's not in it. I'll have to search to find out what its called*.
Next is the envelope and invitation to my lovely friend's 40th birthday. She is a designer and calligrapher and the invite, as usual, is a work of art. Mind you , even her shopping lists look like this.
To keep it real I've included my two minute icing job on the birthday girl's cake. Dinner that night was homemade (can't you tell) sushi. The birthday girl's favourite (see embroidery). Delicious.
Finally I had to share a photo of my new white picket fence, seen through the purple fountain grass. I do love them - the grass and the fence.
* Found it - Granny's Cloak Moth http://www.ozanimals.com/Insect/Granny%27s-Cloak-Moth/Speiredonia/spectans.html