Wow, another artist I really like, and admire, Jesse from Jezzeblog, has generously passed on to me three awards which came her way. Actually I think one is a meme, but I don't know what that means, LOL, its a tag I think.
So from her I have the 'I love your blog' and 'Brillante' awards and instructions to share some of my indeterminate quirks, six in all. I have found other people's lists really interesting reading so I have been racking my brain to come up with some worthy ones. Here goes:
1. I am a plant nerd and recently finished three years studying horticulture part time, for fun! And yes I now speak botanical latin with the best of them.
2. I am currently addicted to tic tacs - not sure how this happened but I eat too many and I don't suck, I chew!
3. I am very unorganisedly organised. I get there eventually but I'm easily distracted by more interesting projects!
4. I have identical twin sons. Turns out this isn't passed on genetically like fraternal twins. I found out in a routine ultrasound and nearly fell off the table.
5. I'm superstitious, I
have to touch wood or a button if I hear a siren.
6. I don't like watermelon, anyone else? I think I'm alone in this.
I've decided since I recently passed on another award that I won't do it again so soon. Besides, all my favourite blogs seem weighed down with awards at the moment.
What I am going to do is update my blogroll soon, so if you want to know what I read and love do have a look. So many clever people out there that I am constantly adding new blogs to my must read list!