I've spoken about my friend
Melissa Wastney and her beautiful work before, most recently in my post on
embroidery love. I just adore her beautiful blog
tinyhappy and the work she creates. Of course I'm not alone, Melissa's amazingly creative eye and authentic, simple and observant life as documented on her blog, and the way she expresses it through her beautiful work, are much admired.
And she is the sweetest person too, but you knew that :-)

A while ago we decided to make a swap and recently our parcels passed over the sea somewhere between Australia and New Zealand. Melissa posted a lovely
piece about the parcel I sent, and promptly whipped up a fantastic pillow with the barkcloth I have been hoarding for nearly a year! I'm good at stash but she has inspired me to start sewing.
Yesterday I arrived home to an exciting brown paper parcel in my letterbox.
I opened it and Wow!
Look at all the beautiful things she has sent me. I am so very very spoilt.
And you know what. Her pieces are even more beautiful in person, if that is possible.
I'll stop talking now and just show you the pictures.
You can see for yourself what beautiful gifts she's sent me.

The funniest thing is that I was wearing a necklace I made last year at my daughter's art party whose colours matched the Marimekko bag that Melissa sent exactly (see above).
The jasmine embroidery purse is something I've admired before, I think its so clever how she's shown the colour gradation in the flower buds.
And the brooch is just perfect, I'm wearing it today and loving it.
Thank you Melissa :-)