It's a year ago today that I uploaded my first photos to Flickr. Since then I've upgraded to a pro site, just so I can have lots of sets! I love Flickr and collect favourites every time I go browsing. For me it is somewhere to show my photos and art and get feedback, its somewhere to be inspired, to share information (the Gocco group is wonderful for this) and to look up new things, explore other worlds.
Along with this I really enjoy the toys on the BigHugeLabs site, one of which I've used to make these mosaics - favourites above and my work below. It's here I can generate my DNA page which shows my most interesting pics, my favourites and groups and any pictures which make Explore (which I still don't understand!).
Anniversaries everywhere now, coming up to my first Gocco prints, my blog anniversary and my Etsy selling birthday. I'm thinking of ways to celebrate these milestones...

A beautiful montage of plants very sweet